Frequently asked questions

Site survey

Before we visit the property, we carry out checks to discover if there are any planning constraints relating to your specific address and area.  These checks can sometimes show the need for additional work. For example… we may discover your property is in a flood zone and would require a flood risk assessment along with the planning application. We recommend a free telephone consultation before any visit is made or any package is purchased.

On the visit we will take all the measurements required in order to create scaled building plans.

Photographs are taken along with making visual inspections relating to drains, boundaries, the existing building, pipes and services and anything that is an obstacle that needs to be taken into account either at the planning stage or later at the building stage.

Floor Plans & Elevations plans

All our floor plans and elevation plans and drawings will be to scale, we have the ability to demonstrate not only the exterior look of the project in our plans but also how specific items and furniture can fit into the new living space created.

Not sure how big the island needs to be in your new kitchen extension? Will your existing table and chairs fit into your new dining area? Are the new bedrooms large enough to accommodate a king size bed and built in wardrobes. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

Once the floor plans and elevation plans have been produced – typically 2-3 weeks… you’ll have the opportunity to make any last changes or amendments in the layout. We don’t charge extra for these amendments.

Location plan & Site plan

These plans are a requirement of the local planning authority. They demonstrate the location and coordinates of the proposed development. Both are required to a specific scale along with additional criteria based on the proposal and application. These plans show the proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on the site, with dimensions specified including those to the boundaries.

Application submission

We complete all the necessary application forms and submit the plans to the local authority. Once the submission is made it will take the local authority 3 months to make their planning decision. During this time we are on hand to provide any addition information they may require and answer any queries the local planning department may have regarding your planning application.